Increasingly young people and naturalized Americans in NYC are registering as independent voters. The current system of closed primaries prevents these voters from participating in our political process.
For those new voters registering as independants, this sytem gives them a meaningful voice and vote in our community.
In fact the only growing party in New York City is, no party at all — unaffiliated voters — otherwise known as “Independents.”
Reforming the system to have an open primary in New York City fully ensure that all voters are treated equally.
The winner of most municipal elections is decided in Primary Elections where typically less than 20% of registered voters vote.
In fact nearly 35% - more than 1 million - registered voters can’t vote in the primary, where the Mayor, Comptroller, Pubic Advocate, Borough Presidents, District Attoneys and nearly all City Council Member’s are chosen.
This initiative gives a voice and a meaningful vote to ALL New York City’s registered voters—Black, Brown, White, rich and poor, veterans… everyone. Including people who are politically unaffiliated or a member of 3rd party. It ensures that all people of all race, creed, political or religious belief is treated fairly.
Reforming our election system will instantly increase voter turnout because all voters will be allowed to participate in primary elections
When Colorado implemented a similar type of open primary over the past decade, their voter participation rate more than doubled from 21% in 2016 to 45% in 2020. one of the highest rates in the country.
Politicians will be more accountable to larger group of people. They can’t take voters for granted anymore.
Open Primaries create more competitive elections, and force politicians to be held accountable to the true majority of voters. More competition leads to better leadership.
This means that politicians will build diverse coalitions that represent a wider array of interests and people to get things done on issues like crime and cost of living rather than just what an extrme minoirty of registered voters believe. It’s good for democracy.
Voting in New York City usually means having to choose between the lesser of two evils in the General Election.
In the new system voters may have up to 5 candidates to choose from.
Even better, voters can choose just one that they like or rank them in alignment with their values.