More than 1 million voters in New York City don’t matter.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.
They are registered as “independents.”
In fact in NYC more people are registering to vote without a party affiliation, than with one. The growth of “Independents” is fueled by young voters and recently naturalized Americans who don’t feel beholden to one party or another. They are the second largest “party” in NYC. Twice the size of the Republican Party.
Independents are prohibited from voting in NYC Primary Elections.
They only get to choose from two candidates. Whereas other voters get to choose from a full slate of candidates. While most of the States, and 22 of the 30 largest cities in America have fixed this inequity in voting, New York City lags behind.
Primary Elections are very important in New York City.
That’s where nearly all of our elected officials are chosen. In nearly all municipal campigns the only election that matters is the Primary Election.
Yet voter turnout is extremely low. Typically about 1 out of every 5 New Yorker votes.
New York City has among the lowest turnout in municipal elections, in America. Only 8-15% of people vote for City Council and about only 25% vote for Mayor.
In the General Election voters feel like they have to choose from the lesser of two evils.
So by the time they can vote in the General Election, there’s really no point. The winner has already been chosen in the Primary Election.
The politicans aren’t held accountable to the majority of people.
So people don’t even bother to vote in the General Election. And our local goverment is less representative of our City. People’s voices are silenced.
When governing, politicans care most about the people who elected them.
In some cases it’s only a few thosand people that voted. In Bronx Council Distirct 13, only 8000 people voted. but about 165,000 live there. In the Mayor’s race, only 665,000 people voted for Mayor Eric Adams out of 5 million registered voters.
They usually make decisions that keep the tiny fraction of “their” voters happy.
Politicians know if they want to be reelected, the most important people are the people who vote.